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On these pictures we show you a small brake fuel problem that occurred with a brand-new KTM 125 type 2003. It’s a small thing, which however can bring great damage to bike and rider and could have nasty consequences for your wallet also.
At the KTM 125-03 that is new delivered the possibility exists that the tube connecting the rearbrake-cilinder to the Brake fluid-reservoir comes between the spring of the rear suspension. This occurred to a brand-new KTM 125 during the weeks of the Jan Postema MX schools in Spain last week.

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The Solution is easy; just snatch a tierup to the oil tube and fixed it to the break pedal tube.
It also came to our ears, that in the USA there seem to be minor problems with the oil seal of the countershaft. On some bikes it seems to be seeping oil very slowly.
Therefore we may recommendation that after each time you are using the bike, this seal may be well checked.